Thursday, December 22, 2022

Musicals On TV - The Gift of the Magi (1981)

SABC, 1981
Starring Bruce Millar, Roz Monat, George Korelin, and Patricia Sanders
Directed by Donald Monat
Music and Lyrics by Donald Monat

There's been at least three musical versions of the beloved O.Henry Christmas short story made for TV. Sally Ann Howes starred in one from 1958 and Debbie Boone did another in 1978, but all that exists of those online are photos of the latter and the soundtrack of the former. I did dig up this early 80's production from South Africa's public station, their equivalent of PBS. How does it come off now, and on the other side of the Atlantic? Let's begin in the tiny apartment of Della (Monat) and Jim (Millar) Young in 1902 New York as they prepare for the holidays and find out...

The Story: Della is upset because she doesn't have enough money for Jim's present. She wants to get him a nice chain for his heirloom watch. Her neighbor Mrs. O'Malley (Sanders) suggests she sell her beautiful long red hair. Desperate, she lets the wig maker Madame Sofronie (Annabel Linder) cut it off for twenty dollars. She does manage to buy the chain she wants so badly for Jim...but his surprise when he comes home makes both of them realize how much they love each other.

The Song and Dance: Surprisingly charming. The low budget and small cast works well with the story. Korelin and Sanders may be having the most fun as the Young's hilarious Irish neighbors who get the ball rolling on the idea of Della selling her hair. Monat's not bad as Della, especially trying to wheedle the salesman in the store into selling her the coveted watch chain cheaper. There's some decent music, too, including a chorus number and a song for the neighbors and for the lady who buys Della's hair. 

Favorite Number: We open with Jim singing how "It's a Shame" that he doesn't get to work quicker. He and Della go about their daily business "Getting Up In the Morning." Della bemoans that she's only been able to earn "$1.87" for Jim's present to Mrs. O'Malley. Madame Sofronie explains to Della that "Madame Sofronie Pays," though it's obvious she doesn't intend to pay enough. The department store staff and patrons sing of "The Joys of Christmas Shopping" as Della seeks the perfect gift. The O'Malleys explain how "The Irish Blarney" can help them through just about anything. Jim and Della end with telling each other how their sacrifices are like the gifts "The Magi" gave to the baby Jesus. 

What I Don't Like: This is obviously a cheap, made-for-South African TV production. The briefly-seen department store set is as lavish as it gets. It's not for those looking for a stronger story or a more colorful and fanciful holiday production. As much fun as the Irish neighbors are, sometimes their accents are a bit overdone.

The Big Finale: I'm glad I ran into this one. This sweet special deserves to be better-known outside of its native South Africa. Worth checking out if you love the story or are looking for something fun and low-key for the holidays. 

Home Media: As far as I can tell, it's only available on this side of the Atlantic on the streaming service Vimeo. 

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